Psychoactive Plants 101: An online course

Some plants get you high and some plants make you die. But why?

From gardeners, chemists, First Peoples, psychologists to psychonauts; the world of psychoactive plants is huge, and the knowledge required to understand these plants comes from many different places.

Most people are familiar with tobacco and tea leaves, but not so many people know about Psilocybe cubensis, (the most common magic mushroom), let alone Mitragyna speciosa (a curious relative of coffee that produces opioid effects). There is a whole rainbow of psychoactive plants that we think the world should know about. We try to spread the word about these magical plants at our in-person workshops, but the demand for classes about psychoactive plants has been more than we’re able to satisfy.

So, we’ve designed an online course that explains diversity of botanical products that influence the mind; how they’re made, how they’re used, how they interact with the body and related effects, culture and botany. Across fifteen modules, we teach psychoactive plants through readings, videos, images, online resources and activities. We estimate that it takes approximately four hours full time to complete, but learning is self paced, and subscription gives access to the course for one month.

Sign up to Psychoactive Plants 101, complete the course and grow your knowledge of botany and altered states.


Psychedelic Plant Workshops Newcastle June 2024


The Laboratory Notebook